Social skills teens need to survive high school

Gallant, M. A.

Social skills teens need to survive high school learn to communicate with assertiveness to spike confidence, gain personal growth, and squash anxiety with 37 real-life examples M.A. Gallant - 2022 - 157 p.

Make the most of your high school years by developing new
social skills that help make friends, thwart enemies, and build your confidence. Does the thought of starting high school breed a mix of deep emotions--from intense excitement to mind-numbing dread? Don't be a target for bullies and phony friends. Learn to set boundaries for yourself and use assertiveness to thrive. Avoid unnecessary conflicts, and learn to communicate
effectively with parents, teachers, and even your boss.

9781960426000 $500

Teenagers--Life skills guides
Teenagers--Conduct of life
Assertiveness in adolescence
