How to win friends and influence people for teen girls

Carnegie, Donna Dale

How to win friends and influence people for teen girls presented by Donna Dale Carnegie - New York Fireside c2005 - xi, 190 p. ill.

How to Win Friends and Influence People for Teen Girls has become the go-to guidebook for girls as they navigate their teenage years. Discover the best ways to build emotional intelligence, create strong friendships and fulfilling romantic relationships, manage social media, defuse arguments, and make self-defining choices. Based on the timeless classic How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and presented by Dale's daughter, this fully revised edition brings time-tested lessons to the next generation of young women as they make lifelong friends and become amazing leaders. Filled with voices from girls across the country and packed with thought-provoking quizzes and questionnaires, How to Win Friends and Influence People for Teen Girls is a must-read for girls everywhere.

9780743284868 $350

Teenage girls--Psychology
Interpersonal relations in adolescence
Friendship in adolescence
Success in adolescence
